Nettverksmøte 12. september i Oslo Analytics – From Legacy to Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Everyone is talking about the mainframe as a Legacy system and at the same time everyone is talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML). What is the background of these new technologies and how can AI and ML influence us in our day to day life? Can the Mainframe benefit from these new technologies?

arrangeres av Faggruppen Stormaskin

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Join the rollercoaster, for a ride that will start to take you back in time when these technologies were invented and when the mainframe was new and state of the art.
After being back in time, it will now take you to the future, so you can discover how much these technologies influences on our life today and how the mainframe still is a modernized and state of the art platform.
During the rollercoaster ride, questions that most people have, for example:

  • Why does everyone talk about AI and ML?
  • Where is AI and ML coming from?
  • How does it work?
  • What can it be used for?
  • Is AI and ML for Analytics workload only?
  • Can AI and ML be used for more traditional workloads?
  • Other technologies like the Db2 Analytics Accelerator, AI and the Db2 Optimizer.

After the rollercoaster ride, it is time to t see a demo of AI and ML in action.

The day will end with an open discussion about these technologies and what they can be used for in the future.


16.00 Enkel bevertning
16.30 Introduction into AI and ML — Leif Pedersen, IBM Danmark
17.15 Pause
17.30 Demo on how to integrate ML into an existing application — Diego Cardalliaguet, IBM Spania
18.15 Pause
18.30 Other newer technologies and open discussion about the technologies — Leif Pedersen, IBM Danmark Snacks og noe å drikke
