Digitalt nettverksmøte 23. juni Data Science – in Action – in the Cloud: Predictive Maintenance

In this webinar Dr. Vladimir Rubin (CEO at ADEAL Systems GmbH) will take us through one of the real-world AI use cases that many businesses can benefit from. ADEAL Systems is building industrial big data and data science solutions with the help of their cloud-based self-service data analytics platform. Predictive Maintenance and Operational Analytics is one of six solution areas they are currently focusing on.

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Small and large companies alike are moving quickly towards digitalization of their core production processes. Recent advances in machine learning and artificial intelligence, combined with increased computing power and cloud storage, facilitate data-driven business solutions. However, for many executives and business users it is not transparent how to derive business value from data or how to apply these technologies within their business domains. How can analytical business solutions based on Data Science, Big Data and Cloud Computing Technologies, be brought together?

In this talk a Predictive Maintenance solution relevant to a wide variety of businesses will be discussed. Specifically, it will be shown how to predict faults in water pumps with a self-service analytical platform available in the cloud. Such essential tasks as data preparation, feature engineering and model training are presented. This forms the basis for an intelligent service, which can be used to provide timely maintenance and help reduce health hazards.

About the speaker:
Dr. Vladimir Rubin has more than 20 years of experience in software engineering and data analytics in a variety of projects in different consulting and technology companies and scientific institutions in Germany, Russia, USA, Holland, and Switzerland. He holds a degree in computer science from the Moscow State University of Railway Transport and a PhD from the International Graduate School of Dynamic Intelligent Systems in Paderborn, Germany.
