Frokostmøte 3. september i Oslo FinOps and sustainability in SpareBank 1

SpareBank 1 has migrated their mobile bank and related services to AWS. See how SpareBank 1 Utvikling is delivering FinOps and Sustainability capabilities to all our 12 banks and subsidiaries.

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08.00 Breakfast and mingling —
08.30 Velkommen — Terje Molle
SpareBank 1 has moved their internet banking solution to AWS. This talk is a deep dive into how SpareBank 1 Utvikling applied FinOps practices, our experiences and tips we picked up in our journey. We will present how we are optimizing FinOps and Sustainability for our 40+ development teams in one common platform utilizing cloud native tools. We're working on maturing our FinOps stance, and this reflects where we currently are. The talk will be regarding our use of AWS, and the terminology & functionalities discussed will reflect that - however, it should be relatable for all major cloud vendors.
08.35 Part 1: FinOps and Sustainability — Vidar Hagen
09.20 Pause —
09.30 Part 2: Practical FinOps & Experiences — Fredrik Andersen
10.10 Q & A — Terje Molle


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