Nettverksmøte 7. april Perspectives on Data Culture

We are excited that Norway opened again, and we all can meet for an event!

arrangeres av Winfried A. Etzel og resten av fagfolkene fra faggruppen DAMA (Data Management Association - Norway Chapter)

Medlempris: Free of charge Meld på

What better than to provide a comprehensive view on data culture, that covers some of the latest and culturally most important themes in data: Data Literacy, Data Storytelling and Change Management.
Building a data culture is perhaps the most challenging part of rigging yourself as a data-driven organization. Where to start? What does this mean for an organization and the knowledge workers within?

We will have a closer look on some of the key factors in fostering a healthy data culture:

  1. The data executive perspective: What is data literacy? Why is it important? How can we achieve it?
    Data Literacy: Achieving Higher Productivity for Citizens, Knowledge Workers, and Organizations
    With: Peter Aiken, Associate Professor of Information Systems from University of Virginia
    Peter Aiken will join us digitally from the University of Virginia and present his latest book on Data Literacy.

    Presents in english

  2. The data worker perspective: What skills are needed to build a great narrative and to communicate on data? Data Storytelling in Practice 
    With: Frances D’Silva, Data Productivity at Nets Group
    Frances D’Silva will be live in Oslo. She is the winner of 2021s Nordic DAIR award for Data Visualization and Storyteller of the year and an active member of DND.

    Presents in Norwegian

  3. The data citizen perspective: How to improve your organization to learn and master the skills needed to become data literate?
    What is the key role of change management? How to you foster a culture of data citizens?
    The impact of Data Literacy on Organizations, and the value of Change Management – Siri Ulltveit-Moe & Annika Lea, Change Management Ambassadors at Bouvet.
    With: Siri Ulltveit-Moe & Annika Lea work with Change Management daily for some of the biggest companies in Norway. They will form this event into an interactive experience.

    Presents in Norwegian

If you what to get more information on what a data culture can entail, please review this article on Bouvet.

Note: Names of participants are shared with the venue as they must have control over who is in the building.

Bouvet Oslo:
Sørkedalsveien 8, 0369 Oslo

Bouvet Stavanger:
Laberget 28, 4020 Stavanger
