Unacast – location data in times of pandemic
Unacast helps companies make smarter decisions and build better products through contextualized location data from the Real World Graph.
arrangeres av David Aas Correia og resten av fagfolkene fra faggruppen BI & Analytics
Unacast helps companies make smarter decisions and build better products through contextualized location data from the Real World Graph.
They also won Innsiktsprisen 2020 for their Social Distancing Scoreboard and we are happy to invite them back to give us more details about the solution.
Event will be in English.
– Introduction and background
– Processing GPS signals from pings to human behaviour
– Challenges of working with location data
– Using mobility data to create social distancing metrics
– What has changed for Unacast since the Social Distancing Scoreboard went live
– Q&A
– Linn Jordet Nygaard, VP Product
– Mathias Schläffer, Data Scientist Unacast
This is a digital event. Teams-link will be provided before the event.
Do you want to be a partner? Contact us at bi-analytics@dnd.no.