Business Architecture and Whole of Government @Norway
How can we create a national enterprise architecture to support dynamic ecosystems, data sharing, interoperability and seamless services where the needs of the end users come first and the sectors appear as one? In this webinar Whynde Kuehn from Business Architecture Guild and Runar Solberg from Statnett share their ideas and experiences with using concepts and models for cross-sector business architecture based on BIZBOK® Guide.
arrangeres av Erik Hagen og resten av fagfolkene fra faggruppen Virksomhetsarkitektur
Dette webinaret er ett av flere i en webinarserie arrangert av faggruppen for virksomhetsarkitektur i DND Sør-Øst. Vi vil gi de som følger oss en times tid rett etter normal arbeidsdag inspirasjon og utvidet innsikt. Det legges opp til diskusjon som del av webinaret, samt i etterkant.
- Brief overview of business architecture concepts – what and why.
- What’s the difference between a business service catalog and a business capability map?
- Information architecture as an integrated part of the business architecture.
- Relation to the Norwegian digitalization strategy digitaliseringsstrategi and suggestions from OECD regarding a Whole of Goverment approach.
- The BIZBOK® Guide Government Reference Model – ideas for how to apply the reference models in Norway at a National level as well as within sectors.
- Visions regarding international cooperation and border-crossing services.
- Getting started tips for business architects and enterprise architects.
About the speakers:
Whynde Kuehn is the Founder and Managing Director of S2E Transformation Inc., and a long-time business architecture pioneer, practitioner, educator, author and recognized global thought leader. She is a Co-founder, Board Member, Editorial Board Chair and Academic Chair of the Business Architecture Guild®. She is also a Co-Founder and Partner of Business Architecture Associates, a Senior Consultant with Cutter Consortium and a Fellow with the Institute for Digital Transformation. Whynde has extensive experience in enterprise transformation and planning, and was a key architect and leader in one of the largest business transformations in the world. She also led one of the largest business architecture consulting practices. Whynde is known for helping clients build their own business architecture practices and mentoring those practices towards maturity and success. Among her contributions include creation of the online learning place Biz Arch Mastery, the StraightTalk business architecture blog, the Architecting For Good (A4G) initiative, and the development of community and advocacy for business architecture around the world. Leveraging her foundation of architecture, systems thinking and formal education in sustainability, Whynde focuses on architecting ecosystems that unlock new value and innovation, enabling thriving and sustainable societies. She is also passionate about applying solid business approaches and technology to enable non-profits, social enterprises and cross-sector social initiatives achieve their missions, with a focus on Africa and emerging nations.
Runar Solberg, Statnett
Runar has been leading an initiative to establish a Business Architecture practice at Statnett for the past three years. He is currently dividing his time between the position as subject matter responsible for business architecture at the Department for Corporate Strategy and Transformation while pursuing a PhD at the School of Economics and Business at the Norwegian University of life sciences (HH-NMBU). The research theme of the PhD-project is «collaboration in complex business ecosystems with an emphasis on the energy system of the future». The project is a collaboration between Statnett R&D, The Research Council of Norway and HH-NMBU. Runar has formal education in technology and innovation management. He has been an active community contributor to the BIZBOK Guide® as part of the Government Reference Model team within the Business Architecture Guild. Runar has previously worked as an entrepreneur and a senior consultant in several digital transformation initiatives in Norway.