December Nugget Horsing around with data quality
There is hardly any data management professional who is surprised at the sight of a data quality issue. We all know that in large amounts...
Information and articles in English. From the Norwegian Computer Society.
There is hardly any data management professional who is surprised at the sight of a data quality issue. We all know that in large amounts...
Lær mer om Data Management
Maria Camilla Nørgaard og Frances K. D'Silva er nominert til Nordic Data, Analytics and AI Readiness Awards (DAIR) 2021!
Hvis «data eller dø» er sant også for din virksomhet, hvordan unngår du det siste utfallet? Det handler om endring. Her er en historie om...
On Tuesday 17 September 2019, DAMA Norway in hand with DNB and Den norske dataforening, hosted their first official event: The Data Officer Journey. With...