Sikkerhetskonferanse IFIP SEC 2021
Dataforeningens styreleder Terje Wold deltar i paneldebatten 23. juni
IFIP SEC 2021 går av stabelen digitalt 22.-23. juni. Dataforeningens styreleder Terje Wold deltar i paneldebatt under overskriften IFIP and National Computer Societies, med representanter fra Tyskland, Storbritannia og Sør-Afrika, moderert av Moira de Roche.
Informasjon fra konferansens nettside:
The SEC conferences are a series of well-established international conferences on Security and Privacy. SEC is the flagship event of the International Federation for Information Processing (IFIP) Technical Committee 11 (TC-11).
The IFIP SEC conferences aim to bring together primarily researchers, but also practitioners from academia, industry and governmental institutions to elaborate and discuss IT Security and Privacy Challenges that we are facing today and will be facing in the future. We seek submissions from academia, industry, and government presenting novel research on all theoretical and practical aspects of security and privacy protection in ICT Systems.
IFIP SEC 2021 will take place 22. – 24. June 2021 and will be organized by the Department of Informatics at the University of Oslo in Oslo, Norway. Co-located with IFIP SEC 2021 will be the 14th World Conference on Information Security Education (WISE).
Due to the ongoing pandamic, IFIP SEC 2021 will be conducted as online event.