Digitalt nettverksmøte 14. juni Information modeling and agile development

We are happy to announce that we are setting up a webinar regarding information modeling.

arrangeres av Nina Berg og resten av fagfolkene fra faggruppen DAMA (Data Management Association - Norway Chapter)

Medlempris: Gratis for medlemmer Ordinær pris: Kr 150,- inkl mva for ikke-medlemmer Meld på

This time we will focus on how to build and govern models in an agile environment.

There will be a panel debate on the topic, where we want to discuss with the panelist how to work with information modeling in flexible processes.

Panel debate with the panelists:

  • Gunnar Jårvik from Health West ICT
  • Geir Myrind from the Tax Administration/ Skatteetaten
  • Jørn Ølmheim from Equinor

Panel facilitator: 

  • Siri Granerød, Senior advisor informationmanagement, Tax Administration/ Skatteetaten

All three with extensive experience in information modeling, and we are now gathering them in a panel to shed light on information modeling is important for their businesses. We are particularly curious about how they both create and manage the models in a flexible development environment.

The webinar will be in Norwegian.
