Digitalt nettverksmøte 31. mai Risk and innovation, can they co-exist?

arrangeres av Aida Omerovic og resten av fagfolkene fra faggruppen Virksomhetsarkitektur

Medlempris: Gratis Ordinær pris: 150 (ink. mva) Meld på

Business and technology leaders face the challenge of being innovative and risk-conscious at the same time. The efforts in increasing diverse and face-paced environment through innovation can introduce or mitigate risk. Timing, cost, scalability, maturity, people, culture and uncertainty, are among factors which typically are balanced in the risk-gain consideration. This interactive talk will address the following key questions:

  • What is innovation-risk?
  • Why do we care?
  • Who needs to care?
  • How to set a proper risk appetite?
  • How to balance risk and innovation for resiliency?
  • Case Study example.


  • Aida Omerovic
  • Asif Gill

Aida is an expert in risk management, information security and technology innovation. She has over 20 years track record as a practitioner and researcher from public and private sectors in Europe. Aida works closely with technology-heavy SMBs from several domains (energy, transport, finance and media), on enabling their digital transformation. She also actively disseminates best practices and research as a speaker/author/educator. She has published a textbook and 40+ peer-reviewed scientific articles. She also serves in several public posts, fostering collaboration between professional and research communities. Aida is founder/CEO (STELLOC) and associate professor (NTNU). Her previous roles include: consultant, technology leader and research scientist/director. Aida holds an MSc in Engineering Cybernetics from NTNU, and a PhD in Computer Science from University of Oslo.


Asif is associate professor and director of the DigiSAS Lab at the University of Technology Sydney. He is working with several large, SMEs and start-ups in Australia and helping them with their digital strategy, architecture, and innovation journey. He is a member of the ACS Data Sharing Committee, DAMA, ISACA, Standards Australia Systems Engineering Committee (IT-015).

