Workshop 12. mai Workshop on Data Ethics

Data ethics is one of the most central elements when talking about data management today. This workshop will give the participants the opportunity to have a direct impact on how the DMBOK framework and data handling ethics will be adopted by data management professionals globally.

arrangeres av Nina Rokseth og resten av fagfolkene fra faggruppen DAMA (Data Management Association - Norway Chapter)

Medlempris: Gratis Ordinær pris: Gratis Meld på

Data ethics is one of the most central elements when talking about data management today. An ethical approach to data use is increasingly being recognized as a competitive business advantage. Ethical data handling can increase the trustworthiness of an organization and the organization’s data and process outcomes.

DAMA Norway works in close cooperation with DAMA International, and the Norwegian chapter has taken the lead working on Improvements of the data ethics chapter in DAMA’s framework Data Management Body of Knowledge (DMBOK). DMBOK is a framework widely used by data management professionals all over the world. We will use the results from this workshop as input for the DMBOK ethics section. This is part of a larger DAMA International initiative, that mostly covers Europe.

What: This workshop will give you as a participant the opportunity to have a direct impact on how the DMBOK framework and data handling ethics will be adopted by data management professionals globally. The outcome of this workshop will be of added value to the society.

In this event we will go through both the results of the DNB Data & AI Ethics event in January, as well as Section 2 of DMBOK v2 (Data Handling Ethics).

Why: The goal for this online meetup is an initial gap analysis of section 2 in DMBOK. This gap analysis is the input for the next workshop in which DAMA and any interested data management professional create a revised approach for Data Handling Ethics.

Who: Anyone interested in Data Ethics and Data Management are encouraged to participate. You do not need to know the DMBOK framework to attend. Both data management professionals and anyone interested in, affected by or using data for different purposes such as eg. Digitalization may attend. Both English and Norwegian speakers may attend.

This is a great opportunity to raise your voice and impact how data management professionals will work with Data Ethics across societies, countries and continents!

Hope to see you!



Workshopen arrangeres av fagruppen DAMA (Data Management Association – Norway chapter)